We Offer Consulting and Management for a Number of Niche Marketing and Promotion Efforts

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Promotion / Organization Memberships

Go Texan – Promotional branding and marketing for products grown or produced in Texas. gotexan.org

Non-GMO Project Verification – Promotional branding and marketing for products which can be proven to be GMO free. www.nongmoproject.org


Food label design, in accordance with laws and regulations

Our team members have been producing labels for over 20 years.

If you need assistance getting your food label designed properly, in accordance with Federal or State standards, we can help (please note: we are not lawyers, and we strongly advise you to consult with your attorney on all legal considerations).
We have a full specification PDF document on food label requirements coming soon.


Retail / Online Shopping / eCommerce

We have familiar setting up online eCommerce stores or product listings such as:

  • Amazon.com (we strongly encourage using the “Fullfilled by Amazon” service for improved selling performance)
  • eBay / eBay Stores
  • Craig’s List (we’ve seen a lot of good results from Craig’s List. It’s even good for SEO)
  • SquareUp Marketplace
  • Many others


We encourage product retails to sell through popular places like those listed above, even if you sell directly through a website or email store. It’s a great way to “go where the customers are” and improve brand awareness.

Think about it: how to most users shop on Amazon? They search for an item by name or description. Since Amazon is the largest online retailers, this effectively makes them the largest shopping related search engine. And you want your products found there when users search.

In addition, many consumers have established purchasing habits and may feel more comfortable purchasing your product directly through an established channel like Amazon, rather than through your store).



We can help your company set up shipping accounts with the largest online vendors and connect them to your online, eCommerce or in-house shipping and sales systems.

  • UPS
  • FedEx
  • USPS


Credit Card Processing, Payment Gateways and Online Payment Processors

Including Merchant Services

In order to accept credit card payments on your website, or mobile applications, you’ll need a payment processor, and for online card processing you’ll also need a “Payment Gateway”.

This often works in tandem with your in-store or on-site card terminals or swipers.

For an line Payment Gateway, we recommend the following, in this order:

  • Authorize.net
  • Stripe
  • PayPal


For Merchant services, we recommend. . .  well, we found a card processor that’s so good, we decided to keep it a secret and you have to contact us to get the scoop. Seriously, we have found the best payment processing vendor in the United States, if not the world. Contact us for an explanation. If you accept credit cards and don’t call us for any other reason, you need to contact us just for this information! It could save you thousands, if not millions in card processing fees.

In addition, we can help setup, install and configure the following services:

  • Chase PaymentTech
  • Amazon Payments
  • SagePay
  • And others


For in-store or mobile swipe applications, we recommend SquareUp, or a POS system / terminal from our favorite vendor, the same one mentioned (contact us to get the details). Again, our vendor can save you thousands compared to any of the other vendors listed on this page.


Video Advertising and Promotion

YouTube is the second largest search engine, period. Your products, services and company needs to be found there.

We can create your company channels on YouTube and other popular public and commercial online video and social services, including:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo


We can assist with video content production, editing, compression and upload management.


New Growth Study Reveals ​How Google Ads Takes an​ Ecommerce Brand To $2,848,821 And Beyond