I spent $50,000 on Facebook Ads and have nothing to show for it!

PPC Can Be Costly When Done Wrong … and Sometimes the Rising Tides does NOT Float all the Boats There’s a few people in this world who quietly accomplish amazing feats of business, turning entire companies around, helping entrepreneurs who are tens (or hundreds) of thousands in the red come sharply back into the black. […]

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AdWords takes another bite out of SEO — Local SEO this time

This summer Google changed from listing 7 “related” local businesses for local search results to what’s known as the 3-Pack. In real world terms, that means when someone searches Google for a local business (like a plumber, florist, dentist, mechanic, appliance repair, hardware store or landscaper) they used to get 7 helpful suggestions from Google […]

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New Growth Study Reveals ​How Google Ads Takes an​ Ecommerce Brand To $2,848,821 And Beyond