What Holds Back D2C E-Commerce Brands from Successful Google Ads Campaigns?

I’ve spent some time reviewing the biggest problems that hold back Google Ads campaigns for E-Commerce Direct-To-Consumer businesses. In one case, the owner was barely breaking even on ad spend. There were loads of small issues that were collectively keeping the campaigns from being profitable. It takes a lot of hard work (And expertise!) to […]

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How to Link Google Ads to Analytics

Note: Please make sure you both have an existing Google Ads and Google Analytics account before proceeding with these steps. 1. Login to Google Analytics at analytics.google.com. 2. Click Admin at the lower left corner of the page. 3. Choose which account and property you’d like to manage 4. Under property, choose “Google Ads Linking”.   […]

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How To Create Google Analytics Audiences

Note: It is important that your Google Analytics tracking code (JavaScript) tag is implemented on your site’s pages first. Before immediately jumping into creating your first GA Audience, please make sure that your GA account supports remarketing. Please follow the steps below: 1. Login to your Google Analytics account and go to the admin tab. […]

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Great article on Forbes today by Ryan Levesque, who engineered the ASK Method ® : https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimjay/2018/02/04/if-you-want-to-successfully-serve-your-customer-all-you-have-to-do-is-ask/  

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New Growth Study Reveals ​How Google Ads Takes an​ Ecommerce Brand To $2,848,821 And Beyond